When I finally downloaded all 13 episodes of GREEN GREEN a.k.a Guri Guri I was totally oblivious and uninformed. When I watched the opening theme for the first time, I was totally speechless. I was utterly taken aback. It was rather vulgar and distasteful. But I’m pretty sure that the male audience would not feel the same... This anime exudes a hentai / ecchi theme in a subtle way. Too add, it also advocates voyeurism among teenagers as well.
So much I hate to say admit it, the storyline or plot of this anime is rather interesting and unique. It’s something new, I daresay. The twist at the end of the episodes is rather unexpected. But then again, the portrayal of the characters is rather predictable and conventional.
In my humble opinion, this anime is degrading women around the globe. In addition, this anime exerts sexist deliberately. Women are seen as sex objects, dim-witted and obtuse! The female characters are portrayed as bunch of stupid and beautiful bimbos. To add, it displays nudity thoughtlessly and tactlessly!
Would I recommend this anime to anybody? NEVER! Not in this lifetime!
I know this might sound a tad harsh, but I can vouch that the creators / artiste of this anime are voyeurs in general who seem to enjoy drawing naked women for their satisfaction.
haha...memang la laki ngan pompuan tak sama reaksi.
erm..mungkin sesetengahnya sama...
kawan saya juga tgk cerita macam ni untuk kepuasan.
serius bukan saya! serius![mata kelip kelip]
katanya anime lagi seronok dari tgk orang sebenar.
kami kata, kau kawen sajalah ngan anime kau tu.
aku x suka anime hentai
love story yg simple2 aku ok
Aku rasa kawan kau tu dah wajib kawen! Tu penyakit mental tu... Aku pon ada kawan. Dia ckp kalau tgk anime yg takde scene seksi2 ni tak besh...
Isshh... bole pecaya ke ni... HAHAHAH! Jgn mara... nnti kene jual!
alaaaa...aku baru nk pinjam...menyinggah di sini..bagi la aku pinjam..aku dh takdak anime nk dilayan..hehehe
anime paling ketara ecchi nya yang awal sekali saya tgk adalah ranma 1/2.
tp sy suka sbb kelakar....
anime serius yg ada unsur2 ecchi lain (yang saya suka) adalah elfen lied. jalan cerita ni best!
Sama mcm anime Vandread. Interesting plot but too many boobs and derrieres... Ilang ilmu! Citer Rosario + Vampire pon sama.... Funny but eheemm....
Kalu nak tgk macam2 anime, pegi realitylapse.com.... Kat situ banyak pilihan. Tapi kene rajin mendonlod...
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