This is a video of FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD opening [Again by Yui] and ending [Uso by SID] themes. Simply adore them. Especially because I am a fan of YUI. Enjoy the video!
I am not a fan of FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST a.k.a FMA, in fact I never had the chance to watch the series, but from what I heard, the old FMA (2003 - 2005) is a lot different from the manga version.The earlier plot was similar to the anime nonetheless, somewhere in the middle of the anime the plot started to deviate from the manga. In fact this version was resolved at the 54th episode . However, at the same time the manga is still progressing.
Due to so many issues and conflicts as well as fans demand to bring the series back on air, FUNimation and Aniplex re-produce FMA. For the new production it is given the title FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD. According to ANIMAX, FMA Brotherhood is 2009's most anticipated anime (???).
The difference is this time around the plot stays loyal to the manga version. Also, most of the seiyuus have been replaced too. Except Romi Paku (Edward Elric) and Rie Kugimiya (Alphonse Elric). Huzzah!!!
If there are any discrepancies regarding the info, do inform me a.s.a.p...
If you wish to see the latest episodes, try this LINK... For now, there are only five episodes and these episodes are released simultaneously worldwide. Have fun downloading!
fma ngan fma brotherhood ni tak sama ek?
erm...ingtkan sama. tu la pasal maleh nk tgk...
tak bleh jd nih!
This latest version (for me) is way cooler...I would recommend people to watch this one rather than the previous version.
Glad they didn't change the seiyuu of Alphonse...he sounds so 'real' with that voice! ^^
Aku rasa berbeza, kot? Sebab kat wikipedia ckp FMA yg lama banyak terpesong dr manga. FMA Brotherhood ni, macam manga...
So far aku baca manga (skang baru episode 5 rasanya), banyak gak persamaan..hampir 100% sama...
Yup... I'm glad they decided not to replace the original seiyuus for both Elric brothers...
ini cerita sama dengan versi original ler
aku suka ending cerita ni... ending sedih
Tu FMA yg lama x? FMA Brotherhood baru ep.5 n kata funimation dis one akan dibuat mcm dlm manga. Ending blm tentu sbb manga stil ongoing.
time kasih untuk link tu...
trus je donlod.. hehehhe~
hari ni sape2 pun takleh share komputer ni slagi blom abes donlod..
Glad to be a help... heheh...
mcm syiok jer layan anime
anak murid ko xmarah ke?
hmmm..tgh hot gak FMA brotherhood ni..yg first pn dh best dh...
Aku tak penah share minat aku ngan dorang... Mana bolee.... Tapi aku cuma share ngan debaters aku aje. Tu pon dorang yg nampak aku tgh download anime... hehehe
Yg first tak penah tgk. Sebab dulu kat TV3 disub in BM... Hate it!
Mekasihhh!!!! Jomla berANIME bersama.. Gerenti kau addicted!
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