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Sunday, November 16, 2008

And so the story goes...

Goddess if The Dark Tower or Tenshu Monogatari is the third arc of AYAKASHI. Well, I found that this arc is a bit melodramatic and somewhat predictable. It's been done! Another forbidden love tale. Anyway, the graphic and the realism are still quite remarkable. But the plot is very prosaic and average.

The Plot
On the top of the Shirasagi Castle srounded by deep mist, there was an enchantress known as The Forgotten Goddess. The name of the goddess is Tomihime. She is also the owner of the castle. One fateful day, while bathing in a lake nearby, she met Zushonosuke, the falcon tamer. Apparently, he was looking for his lost falcon, and, like I expected, Zusonosuke was captivated by Tomihime's beauty. And then, they fell in love. To make long story short, Zushonosuke tried to quit being a human to love Tomihime. As expected, again, the feeling was mutual. Consequently , Tomihime was losing her supernatural power as a goddess because she loved a human.

Since Tomihime and her minions devoured humans as the means to survive, their heads were hunted by a shogun clan who happened to reside near the dark castle. Apparently, many of their people had become the goddess' breakfast, lunch and dinner. Since Zushonosuke had declared his undying love for Tomihime, he fought along her side, abandoning his humanity and hence humanity in return abandoned him too. Finally, he transformed into a grotesque demon and his mortal form was totally vanished.

The Verdict
I think I much prefer BAKENEKO arc... Maybe, the mediocre theme and the predictable plot don't really appeal to me otherwise it's a decent enough anime... I know it's a classic piece but, gomenasai... Apparently, mediocrity doesn’t have a place in my heart...

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