Hi, we are the Moe band!
This week's episode of K-ON!! is really interesting. It reveals the true colors of each member : Mugi, Mio, Ricchan and especially Yui.

In this episode, it seems that Nakano Azusa a.k.a Azu-nyan is struggling to regain her old self back.Apparently, after joining the K-On Club, she becomes easily distracted and laid-back. Initially, in the earlier episodes in season 1, she used to be persistent and diligent. However, according to Jun, she has become more and more like the tea-cakes-loving senpais of K-On Club who instead of practicing, they prefer slacking off and chit chatting. Jun's remark sparks Azun-nya's determination to regain her old persistent and diligent self.
In doing so, it leads her to several discoveries which are profound and unexpected.

Boogie, boogie, boogie!
The first discovery is the true color of Kotobuki Tsumugi a.k.a Mugi-senpai. Azu-nyan thought that Mugi is so beautiful because of her fair complexion and her large eyes. However, she discovers that besides being extremely rich, classy and beautiful, Mugi is also a quirky, spontaneous (at least she tries) and a kawaii person. To Azu-nyan's surprise, Mugi is most likely to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. Other than that, she likes to 'smuggle' food and loves to surprise people by sneaking behind them... and yet fails to do so. And because of her quirkiness and her adorable quality, she fits right into K-On Club, like a hand in glove!

Singer/song writer in training...
Next, is Akiyama Mio a.k.a Mio-senpai. According to Azu-nyan, Mio is the best example how a member of K-On Club should act. She definitely adores her. Mio is talented (she sings, plays guitar base and writes songs), mature (compared to Ricchan and Yui) and the most serious and focused among all the senpais. In addition, other than being squeamish and extremely bashful, Mio is really dependable. She really cares about the rest of the members especially her childhood friend, Ritsu a.k.a Ricchan. This is shown when Ricchan needs her help with her Home Ec project, Mio never hesitates to help her even once. This leads to another important discovery, Mio was really good at sewing and handling a sewing machine. She looks like a pro!

The unexpected domestic goddess
Who would have ever thought that Tainaka Ritsu a.k.a Ricchan can cook? This is certainly out of Azu-nyan's expectation! In fact she can cook for 5 people in the shortest time ever. Despites her rowdy, spunky and loud temperament she manages to transform herself into a domestic goddess! And in this epi also, we are introduced for the first time Ritsu's younger brother, Satoshi.

Last but certainly not the least, Azu-nyan manages to be alone in the music room with Hirasawa Yui a.k.a Yui-senpai. FYI, the name Azu-NYAN is given by Yui because Azusa looks so adorable and cute in nekomimi (season 1). In this episode, Azu-nyan learned that besides being childish, candid and immature, Yui is very responsible, warm and considerate. She cleans up Ton-chan's aquarium (with Azu-nyan's help) and puts stickers on everything so that it looks more adorable. She even puts a sticker with Azu-nya's name on her personal stuff. Unfortunately, Azu-nyan hates the idea and thinks it is too childish. However, thanks to Yui's stickers craze, her lost key chain is found because of her name-sticker. In this epi also we are exposed that Yui is very warm and 'receptive' person. She doesn't judge people and she accepted everybody the way they are. And best of all, that exhibits her sincerity in their friendship.
This episode has a simple plot and yet it is one of my favorites as it showcases each girl's personality and it is done through the viewpoint of Azu-nyan. Another aspect that I really enjoyed in this epi is the Azu-nyan's intermittent monologues. They provide the deeper insight on each character's personality.
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