I am somewhat frustrated with KWMS ep. 17 (Usui is Now My Enemy). Gosh! I wish Usui and Ayuzawa would move forward with their relationship and be happy together as a couple.
There was an almost-kissing scene but it got ruined by some stupid hanabi! Dammit!

Yeay! They ARE going to kiss again!! Another lip-locking scene, I reckon? kyaaaaa!

Oh, no!!!!! Not the hanabi!

Damn you, stupid hanabi!!!
no kiss v.v tell me more romantic animes i think i watched them all can u list them in a post plz xoxox
Ok, i'll do it in my next post... Soon...
maybe the upcoming episodes will have kissing scenes, since now in the manga, they'd kissed each other about 3-5 times.
Really?!! Yeayyy! I really love epi 6 when Usui kissed Misa-chan.... It's soooo sweet!..
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