What is actually happening in a small town of Sotoba. Was it an air-borne pandemic? Was it a mysterious curse? Was it the summer's heat? Or was it the water?
This is killing me!

Picking up where we left off episode 1, after the death of Megumi, Dr. Toshio realised there was lack of solid evidence to declare the real cause of Megumi's demise. So, he had to declare it was caused by acute heart failure. Then, he decided to run an autopsy on her body only to be refused by the parents.
Natsuno was walking alone heading towards Shimizu's residence in order to attend Megumi's funeral. He then bumped into the town's nurse Ritsuko Kunihiro. Then he told her how he found the village insufferable and decided to leave Sotoba one day.
As he reached the gate of Shimizu's residence, he met with Kaori, Megumi's bestfriend. She handed him a postcard written by Megumi for him. Kaori asked him to keep the postcard as a keepsake nevertheless her requested was rejected by him saying that he didn't know Megumi that well.
Meanwhile, at home Natsuno still had the feeling that he was being watched by Megumi and the thought really bothered him.
Toshio received a phone call about another death. And this time the symptom was almost similar with Megumi. It started with minor health problem and it would get worse drastically within days and finally they would die almost immediately...
Then, through a friend, Toshio was told that there were actually 10 deaths in total and the deaths were also from the neigbouring town Mizobe. Toshio had no choice but to declare it as an epidemic. It means that the epidemic was actually spreading at an alarming rate! However, he would want this to be under the radar of the public since he still hadn't been able to gather enough evidence and information.
My verdict:
Well, this episode really triggers my curiosity. What is actually causing the villagers to die? This is so intriguing! Other than that, I really love the background music as well as the vocalization. Seriously... they really complement the mysterious vibes and moods of this anime....
Ten deaths, could this be a sign of great evil to come or just another case of poisoning. Thanks Kikuri-hime for commenting on my template problem, I may have a new template in a weeks time.
I have a strong feeling that the european mansion is the source of the deaths...
No problem... I hope it helps.
vampire, that's the cause why people died suddenly
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