For this post, I am going to do a short review on FMA Brotherhood's episode 15: The Messenger of the East. I am not going to do a synopsis this time around. But I have provided some screenshots for a change. Just click on them...
What I really enjoy about this episode is the fact that this is a brand new arc. There are several new characters and definitely spanking-new adventures. The best part of this episode is, Al has finally obtained his ability to execute transmutation without having to do the transmutation circle. According to him, it is because he could recall his fair share of seeing the truth (in episode 14). Hurray, for Al!
The ED for this arc entitled Let it Out is sang by Fukuhara Miho. Compared to the previous ED, I really think that the new one is much more interesting and the sequence for the montage is much better. In addition the graphics are so colorful and vibrant! Enjoy the screenshots!

Judging from both OP and ED sequence, I believe in this arc, Ed and Al will have to face his father (Hohenhiem a.k.a Father) who seems to be the mastermind behind all conflicts in this series. He is probably the creator of the humonculi as well as the Philosopher's stone.
biasanya saya skip je op dan ed ni~
off-topic jap.
kalau ada episod baru eden of the east khabarkan pada saya.
lama sangat tunggu...nanti terlupa nak donlod...
kalau dah habis tengok zoku sayonara zetsubou sensei, tengok pula zan sayonara zetsubou sensei~
Eden of the east rasanye episode dia dah abih.... Tataulaaa... Nanti I check.
Zoku dah tgk... Mmg tgh carik zan plak. Taun ni dia release tapi lom dapat lobang nak dload...
try kt anime-eden
dah ada 2 episod dah.
kali ni cam agak matured sket watak2nye...
tp baru 2 episod, takleh nk predict byk sgt..
higashi no eden tu, kt anime-eden kata, incomplete...
nnt tlg cek ye kt mana2...
Oooo... Yg zoku tu pun agak matured gak plot dia. Langsung x seswai ditonton budak2...
Ok.. i'll check later!
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