If you like romantic comedy anime series TORADORA! is definitely the one! This series is hilarious yet it will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. It highlights the concept of friendship at a very interesting angle. I was instantaneously hooked ever since episode 1 - and still going. This series is absolutely a must-watch material.
Before I begin any further, let me explain a bit on the title of this anime series. TORA is actually tiger in Japanese and hence the first name of the female protagonist of this series Taiga. DORA is actually a shortened form of an English word dragon (doragon) and also the first name of the male protagonist Ryuuji (which means dragon). So, this series basically revolves around the lives of two protagonists: Takasu Ryuuji and Aisaka Taiga.
Introducing the Tiger!

Enters the Dragon!

Takasu Ryuuji is portrayed as a gentle and a dependable 17-year-old student who loves to cook and skilled at needlework (he is so skilled he even helps to make Taiga's breasts pad!) Another quirk that he has is, he is obsessed with cleanliness and freaks out if he sees mold and mildew around his bathroom. However all that are ignored by his schoolmates because of his cold eyes and murderous expression. According to his mother, this trait is inherited from his supposed 'deceased' father. He is the best example of an old saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover'. Apparently, he has a secret crush on his own classmate Kushieda Minori.
So, apparently because of these crushes, these two have become fast friends and they are learning from each other. Because of this, they manage to be normal and mingle around with everybody in school. Furthermore, mismatched partner in crime promise to help each other in pursuing their objects of affection. Will they succeed? Well... I really don't have the answer for that as I haven't finished the series yet.
So far, I have watched up to episode 12 and I really enjoy the development of the plot. I would love to recommend the anime series. Especially those who enjoy romantic-comedy anime. Try this LINK and happy downloading!
nak cr dvd cerita ni
Alahaiii... download aje. Save!
macam jajan TORA datang lagi..hihi
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