This anime opens with a scene of Sekigahara battle. Then our attention is shifted to a heated duel between Mibu Kyoshiro and Oni Me No Kyo. However, their duel was stalled when a shooting star slammed into the plain and inadvertently overwhelmed the battle as well as the duel...
4 years after the scene, Kyoshiro is, obviously, saved from the tragedy. Nevertheless, he has an amnesia. Maybe it is because of the immense impact of the shooting star. He is now a gentle and harmless traveling physician.
Then, enters a so-called bounty hunter Shiina Yuya. She thought Mibu Kyoshiro is Oni Me No Kyo. But she is mistaken and Kyoshiro is just a weakling.
What happened to Oni Me No Kyo?
In my opinion, aesthetic-wise, SAMURAI DEEPER KYO is brilliant. It integrates Japanese history (The Battle of Sekigahara and Tokugawa Era) without forsaking the element of surprise, comic and excitement of an anime. The fighting sequences are awesome and very remarkable. I really love the portrayal of Sanada Yukimura. His exterior doesn't indicate any signs of a great swordsman. But that is all stripped off during one of the fighting scenes. Same goes with Benitora a.k.a. Tokugawa Hidetada. Through his attire and the Kansai accent when he speaks, he certainly manages to obscure his real identity. I also love the idea that the protagonist (which one? You gotta watch this anime first) is an anti-thesis of a traditional hero. Somwhow, the protagonist reminds me Kenshin Himura a.k.a Hitokori Battosai. Although he has a samurai katana in his hand, he tries his best not to resort to violence.
Now here comes the not-so-good part. Plot-wise I think that this anime is a bit let-down. I understand most of the storyline up until episode 11. After that, this anime is is quite confusing! There are way too many conflicts and too many characters for a short anime (26 episodes). Maybe because, I am not really well-versed in Japanese history.
Another problem I would like to point out is, I don't really relish the idea that some of the villains turn into monsters known as Kenyou. I find it a tad ludicrous... And, why the title is Samurai Deeper Kyo, is beyond me!
All in all, I would love to recommend this anime to all. However, please equip yourselves a bit on Japanese history... Download HERE for the full episodes.
- Sanada Yukimura, Tokugawa Iyesu, Tokugawa Hidetada, Hattori Hanzo, Okuni and some other characters are actually based on real people back during Tukugawa Era.
- Does Hattori Hanzo ring a bell to you? If you ever watched Kill Bill, the blacksmith who forged The Bride's katana is also named Hattori Hanzo...
erm...dpt la gmbarn sikit...
sebenarnya tak berapa ada nafsu nk tgk citer nie...
ni akn jd pilihan terakhir kalau dh bosan sgt...
Citer ni memula memang besh! Tapi bila dah half-way tu... dah start boring... Bnyk sgt details!
Cam citer Ruruni Kensih. Plot memula, aku rasa ok... bila dah masuk season 2, aku dah malas nak layan..
Hye! Long time no see...i mean talk..
I think the main problem that makes this anime x best is...it compresses almost A LOT of it's manga episodes into just 26 anime episodes. Trust me, the plot in its manga was brilliant towards the end...
Have u any suggestions on any very2 funny anime that u have watched? ^^
Yeah, it's been a while we havn't communicate...
Regarding SDK, i think it makes sense. Because 26 episodes is way too short for all the details. Pening sket!
I dunnola whether they are VERY2 funny, just give them a try...
- Nodame Cantabile: Paris chapter
- Aishteruze Baby! (baru nak start)
- Lovely complex (My fav)
- Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu
- Ouran School Host Club (funny!)
- Green Green (a tad echhi)
- REC (not bad)
kyo kara maoh pn agak lucu....
sy plng ske lovely complex~
No no! You ended your other blog. I just started to get to know you. I enjoyed every bit of ur writing over there. I even put you under my fave. But now it's gone. You deleted everything. Why? Nooo .... Return it to the web, plz ...
ah mgade..asal xde ide tutup blog...
marah gua kt lu..
nnt wa komen sini jer la
marah lg kt die ni kak!
mmg ngade2...
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