Age : Appears 19 but his real age is remained unknown
Species : A full-fledged Dog demon
Family : Inuyasha (half-brother)
Friends : Jaken, Rin and Ah-Un
Admirer : Kagura (Naraku's incarnation)
Weapons : Tenseiga, Toukijin and Whip
Ability : Poison Flower Claws, flight, heightened senses, superhuman strength and speed, immunity to all poisons and sickness
Sesshomaru is a full-fledged dog demon who prefers to fight alone. His true from is a gigantic white dog with similar markings as his humanoid form. When he transforms, his body is surrounded by bright red aura and a tornado circling around him (see picture). Apart from that, he has a superhuman strength and incredible immunity to any poison or dark magic. He is even immune to Naraku's toxic miasma and for that reason, he dubs him as a 'perfect demon'.

In the beginning of the episodes, he is only accompanied by Jaken. However, later in the episodes of the series, he is accompanied by a group of friends. He, apparently, hates his half-brother -Inuyasha because he believes being a half-demon, Inuyasha is a disgrace to the family. He also despises the fact that Inuyasha is bestowed by his late father a powerful sword known as Tetsusaiga. Tetsusaiga has the power to kill 1000 demons with a single stroke. He, on the other hand he is bestowed a sword called Tenseiga which has the reverse effect of Tetsusaiga. Tenseiga is powerful enough to revive the dead. Later, he instructed Kaijinbo (an evil black-smith) to forge a powerful sword to match Tetsusaiga and the sword is named Toukijin (see picture).

Unlike Inuyasha (who is so childish, clumsy and loud), Sesshomaru is stoic, collected, cold and he is a man of few words. It's really hard to understand him. Earlier in the episodes, he acts as the antagonist or the villain (beside Naraku). This can be seen when he incessantly tries to slaughter Inuyasha. He even declares his undying hatred for his half brother and vows to kill him with his own hands. Nonetheless, later he displays his compassion by adopting a young human girl named Rin. Furthermore, Sesshomaru is also an anti-thesis of traditional hero. This can be seen when he tries to save Rin from being killed by Naraku. Then, in one of the episodes (Band of 7 Arc), he even saves Kagome, Sango and Miroku from Mukotsu's poisonous mist despites his great hatred for humans and humanity. These are, by far, the best examples to illustrate his so-called 'heroism'.
Well, compared to Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is much more powerful and invincible. I like his character because he embodies a true greatness of a supposed protagonist, which is kind of ironic. Sesshomaru, the real deal...

There are several discrepancies - regarding the plot as well as the development of Sesshomaru's character - between anime and manga version. As for this posting, I only stick to the anime version since I don't really read the manga...
sampai skrang saya tak dpt pastikan die ni sbnrnye jahat ke baik...
kdg2 cm geng baik je...
Samalaaa.. Tapi rasanya, dia cuma bengkek ngan Inuyasha pasal pedang tu..
Then, siap tolong Inuyasha bunuh Naraku pulak tuuu!
kebykn jln cerita anime, yg jahat akn konon2nye dpt kesedaran jd baik tp xdpt tingglkn sikap lama. e.g. gaya berlagak, muka serius...
lg2 kalau mmg cerita2 shounen cm rave @ shaman king.
tp enjoy jugak~
Macam Bleach... Zaraki Kenpachi ni sebenornye baik... Tapi muka belagak dan ego tinggi gilos!
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