How did I miss this? It's way beyond me...
Anyway, I just realised that there is the third installment of Nodame Cantabile serialization, entitled NODAME CANTABILE FINALE and to my surprise it's already on the 1oth Lecon. How did I miss that?
In this season, we are once again transported to Paris where the supposed Golden Couple, Chiaki Shinichi and Noda Megumi a.k.a Nodame a.k.a Bebe-chan, has left off in the second season (Paris Arc). I have just watched the 5th episode and apparently, the audience will be reacquainted to the old cast as well as new conflicts.
In this season also, we can see that Chiaki is more open regarding his romantic feeling for Nodame. He is more caring and gentle towards Nodame. Apparently, his tender side is more visible as he is more expressive of his romantic feeling for her. In one of the episodes, he even cancelled his trip to Italy just to accompany Nodame and to help her with her studies. If that is not love, I don't know what it is.

Doki doki, waku waku...
In this anime series the classical numbers and the orchestra is definitely the essence. This is the element that separates this anime from the others. It is in the class of its own! However, if you are planning to watch this, make sure you watch the 2 prequels or else everything will make no sense.
I really enjoyed the Lecon 1 when it's opened by Nodame's infamous MUKYAAA!!!
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