Last night, finally, I finished watching
Emma ~ Victorian Romance 2. I am so ecstatic! I have been looking for the DVD for ages (a bit melodramatic there....). I simply adore the series and it's a definitely a MUST-WATCH. Check these screen shots and I will not utter a single word...

What do you think? Those who haven't watched the second season of Emma, I will not say anything. Let pictures say it all... This
might or
might not be the resolution. Who knows?
The Verdict:
This anime is a
keeper! Love it and I'm so gonna watch it again soon... I simply lo

ve the development of the characters and how they handle the conflicts. In this season, we will be exposed to Williams'
romantic relationship with
Miss Eleanor Campbell (see picture). To refresh your memory, Eleanor Campbell is the blond that has her eyes on Williams in season 1. Apparently, Eleanor is trying her best to vie Williams' attention and gradually win his heart. Will she succeed? My lips are sealed!
For your information, there are also some new characters introduced here. And most important is, apparently there is a new beau,
Mr. Hans. And he has his eyes on our dear
Miss Emma. Will there be another
unrequited love for Miss Emma? Which one will be chosen by her,
The Footman or
The Gentleman? Well, only time will tell...
Warning! There's nudity in it so viewers' discretion is advised.
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