This series was aired in Japan in 1984. 'MOSPEADA' is actually an acronym of Military Operation Soldier Protection Emergency Aviation Dive Armor. As far as I could remember, this series is one of the early si-fi themed animes back then. It features transformable motorcycles amours as well as mechas.
The story takes place in the mid of 21st century (2050 if I'm not mistaken). At this time, the earth is invaded by the mysterious alien race from Mars called Inbit. Earth becomes desolate with only a few human beings who have become refugees scattered throughout the planet. Many of them escape aboard a few remaining shuttles to seek shelter on the Moon.
The main characters in this anime are Stig Bernard, Ray, Houquet de Rose, Jim Austin, Yellow Belmont as well as Mint Rabule. These six characters then, became a group of fighters to free the earth from the clutches of the Inbit.
In the final analysis, I believe this anime is worth watching. Considering the year that this anime was aired, this anime is ingenious. It's the ultimate genesis of its kind.
- The opening theme of this anime LONELY SOLDIER BOY is also sung by a Malaysian band HUJAN with the same title but in Malay.
- 'Aniota' means anime otaku
Yeah, never heard of this one. Interesting, and it was aired the year I was born! Lol..
Hey, y don't u give it a go! Oklaaa... seriously! hehehehee...
lonely soldier boy is from this anime?..wow..that's something new for me.
Hahaaa.. NOW you know! Thanks to this old aniota!
one of the best mecha anime. i always dream to have the same motorbike in mospeada. i will be cool huh.
Yeah, exactly! When i was young, i wish 2 be like houquet (blondie). Beautiful n has a cool ride.
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