R.O.D is the story of an intelligence agency, based in the British Library (of all the places in the world!). This agency has sepecial agets and these agents are to protect the world from the I-jin. I-jin is a bunch of cloned people who have developed a way to conquer the world. Who exactly these I-jin people? How are they going to conquer the world? Well... it's really complicated. You really have to watch it to get better understanding. Seriously!
What I like most about this OVA is the portrayal of the protagonist. It is surely a breath of fresh air. YUMIKO READMAN or her codename The Paper is not like any other agents in most spy flicks. She is a bookish bibliomaniac (obsessed with books) and she appears to be meek and very child-like. Her alter-ego is being a substitute teacher. However, look can really be deceiving. She, apparently, is endowed with the power to control and manipulate paper and hence the code name.
As for NANCY MCHARRY (in some version it's MAKUHARI) she is a leather-clad femme fatale who personality is a total opposite of Readman's. Her codename is Ms. Deep as she can pass through any solid objects by absorbing herself. She says that she despises her codename, as it "makes her sounds like a porn star". She prefers to be addressed as Nancy. However, unbeknown to the agency and Readman, she is actually one of the I-jin's creations which then contributes to the twist of this OVA.
All in all, I would definitely recommend this to everybody who is craving for a thought-provoking and action-packed anime movie. It's a must watch!
Ijin by definition mean 'a great man'. The I-jins in this ova are the clones of great men. They use their talents to conquer the world.
Well, for R.O.D...I only watched its anime series about the 3 siblings having that paper power. But I've got to agree, the idea of R.O.D is very fresh.
And the title really is quite catchy...die if you don't read huh? Hehe...
Exactly! Actually, the one that you watched is R.O.D the TV. It is the successor of the OVA. I'm gonna do the review on the T.V series soon... But I need to watch all the episodes first.
I have the dvd but I dunno when will i have time to watch it.
Hi, kikuri-sen, Thank You for visiting. So you like anime – and you like it a lot. Unique Japanese characters animated, the modification variations has gone further ; Keep spreading and one might come up with a team to call their own – willingly combine animators, editors and publishers with next, cartoon or real life Malaysian Anime movies.
Possibilities are there ...
Agree with you. I really hope we can come out with our very own animated series one day. The one with real Malaysian flavor. Thanx for visiting my page!
and I wanna be the writer when that time comes!! Hehe..
Yeay!!!! Ganbatte, ne!
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