This picture was taken from the scene of the last episode. Chiaki was looking for Nodame at her hometown Ohkawa. Unbeknown to her, Chiaki went to her hometown. He was lost and then he tried to call her. They hadn't been contacting each for so many months after they had a spat. It was just so happened that he was in a cab while talking to her. Then, while still in the cab he saw her walking alone along a riverbank. Then Chiaki stopped the cab and walked slowly behind her. And then when he was close enough he hugged her tightly ... KAWAII!!!!

err.this is my fav scene ever in nodame..keep on doing this..lookng forward to read
Thanx for commenting and dropping by... Really appreciate it!
nodame cantabile is ubeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr kawaii!!! XD
i havent seen all of the dorama version yet, but it's very much anime-like, i was quite surprised they pulled it off.
tapi anime obviously lagi best la for me. have you read the manga? nanti i nak carik la online. hee~ :D
kikuri-hime, do you read manga a lot? just wondering.
Yup, I've watched the jdorama version. I don't really fancy it. kinda wierd. Plus, real-life Chiaki is not as kawaii as the anime version. Nope, i hvnt read the manga version. But i've seen it somewhere, online. The drawing is pweety cool!! Y don't u try googling it...
huhu, since ive watched the anime im not so sure if im gonna read the manga. i dont think there's much difference kot, at least for nodame cantabile la, since the dorama version is lebih kurang je. but i think it shouldnt be too hard to find the scanlated version.
i dunno if you know it, but i have a manga blog, tho it's not as regularly updated as yours. :P it's at if you're interested. mind if i link you?
Really? I'll link urs. Thanx a bunch! Err, you may link me. In fact you dont have to tell me.... cuz i've linked urs without even asking ur permission pun... hahaha!
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