In episode 179, the audience are revealed with Kifune's 'visit to the Kasumi-Ouji's manor. It seems there's more than meets the eye! The plot is getting more complicated and the conflict is getting intense in episode 180. What is Kifune's relationship with Kumoi and what was he doing at Kasumi-Ouji's manor? I simply can't predict the future episode but one thing for sure the 3rd Seat Kifune of 3rd Squad is up to no good. Will Kira Izuru once again brandishes his zanpaku-to Wabisuke?
In episode 181, Kurosaki, Rukia, Kenryuu and Enryuu managed to usurp into Kasu

mi-Ouji's manor in order to save Lurichiya-sama. They tried to stop the wedding however being withheld by Soifon and her squad (which one? Can't really recall). Apparently, they were accused of attempting to kidnap Lurichiyo-sama. In this episode also, we will witness Enryuu's power as he has released his overwhelming zanpaku-to. His brute strength has caused the palace's roof to disintegrate. However, my favourite scene would be the fight between Soifon-taicho and Kurosaki Ichigo. So incredibly intense! I like the part when she released her Suzumebachi in order to stop Ichigo's attack. However the fight was short-lived when it was interrupted by Rukia's Sode No Syirayuki's Hakuren (why?!!!....).
The effect of this incidence is, Kurosaki and Rukia have caused tremendous turmoil in the Soul-Society and they accidentally became the most-wanted fugitives.
In a nutshell, these two episodes are awesome and to all Bleach avid fans, don't forget to download these episodes A.S.A.P!
P/S- I just read something... Shinji Hirako used to be the Taicho of 5th Squad before he became a vizard! Sugoi, ne! No wonder he could beat/block Grimmjaw Jeagerjaques' cero effortlessly!
banyaknya kau tahu pasal anime jepun! kau buat research ke? aku rasa kagum la. sungguh. sebab aku memang minat manga dan kartun2 jepun.
Kagum.. alhamdullillah! Thanx. Sebenarnye, aku mmg suka analisis sastera (plot, watak, theme dsb) dan bagi aku, anime bukan sekadar kartun. Anime ni adalah hasil SENI sbb dia dah jadi satu element budaya jepun. Thanx sbb rajin singgah!!!
ya, ya..betul..sama macam komik cetak. ada falsafah tersendiri. bukan sekadar kotak2 sekuel atau papan cerita yang melengkapkan sesuatu kisah je. tahniah kikure!
My point exactly! Thanx sbb memahami minat sy. Some people think I am being childish sbb suka anime. Tp mereka x faham perbezaan 'cartoon' dgn anime. Thanx!
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